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Effective cooperation for a resource-efficient circular economy: Introduction of the recycling bin in Germany

ACR+ EPR Club and DSD will organise a EPR Club Lunch debate on the topic of effective cooperation for a resource-efficient circular economy, illustrated with the example of the introduction of the recycling bin in Germany.

A resource-efficient circular economy can only be achieved through constructive dialogue and cooperation of all parties involved. The introduction of the recycling bin in Germany is an example for fruitful public-private cooperation

The lunch debate will focus on the presentation and discussion of the unique national German project. Keynotes of experts speakers from Germany will cover different aspects of the recycling bin introduction: approach, practical implementation, technical requirements, achievements and future potential. The participants are invited to discuss these issues and present similar projects during an open round table discussion.

The event is intended to contribute to the discussion of public-private cooperation in waste management in order to find an answer to the question on how effective cooperation for a resource-effcient circular economy can be achieved.


  • Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, main federal law on waste in Germany) provides the mandatory separate collection from 2015 of five material streams (paper/cardboard, metals, plastics, glass, bio waste) from household waste and a binding target of 65% recycling quota for the municipal solid waste by 2020.

This event is labelled as Green Week 2014 satellite event. Basic lunch will be provided.

Event Overview


  • Summary of topics discussed


  • Agnes Bünemann, CEO, Cyclos Future: Introduction of the recycling bin in Germany
  • Michael Langen, CEO, HTP: Infrastructural needs for extended collection
  • Yvonne Collet, RSAG AöR: Practical example: Introduction of the recycling bin in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
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