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Eco-modulation of EPR fees

Setting the right incentives for eco-design and circular solutions

With the recently published “European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy”, the European Commission put forward ambitious measures to close the loop for plastics. Improving eco-design of packaging and products is a central pillar of the Commission’s strategy and the Commission has identified the eco-modulation of fees paid by producers under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as a leaver to incentivise eco-design. 

To put this into action, the European Commission will develop guidelines on the eco-modulation of EPR fees by 2019. However, so far there is only little experience available on the national level that the Commission can draw upon and many questions remain unanswered. It is therefore necessary for actors along the value chain to discuss possible solutions and to provide input to the Commission to support the development of effective EU guidelines and eco-design standards.

This EPR-Club lunch debate will discuss several key aspects of eco-modulation of EPR fees, including:
> which eco-design requirements are the most important for a circular economy as a whole
> which lessons can be learned from available national experiences
> what harmonised criteria for better recyclability of packaging could look like.  

Event Overview


  • Andreas Kessler, SUEZ
  • Joachim Quoden, EXPRA
  • Martin Bender, HTP
  • Neil Rogers, Procter & Gamble - presentation not public, for any questions please feel free to contact the speaker at [email protected]

Additional Information

  • Recycling and Assessment catalogue, HTP
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