- EPR Club’s Upcoming Lunch-Debate to Explore the Future of Deposit Refund Systems
- 20 April 2023 || Deposit and return systems, what is coming your way?
- The club held its 2023 planning meeting
- Successful conference on the link between EPR and sustainable consumption and production.
- WEEE Forum invites you to EPR Grand Challenge Conference
- Watch again “EPR principles as a bridge between waste and products policies”
- Register for “EPR principles as a bridge between waste and products policies”
- Register for Data Collection on Costs of Littering and (Anti)littering Strategies as a Part of EPR Schemes
- Minutes of the Planning meeting 2022 now online
- The recording and presentations of EPR for mattresses event are available
- Register for EPR for mattresses
- Watch again “EPR as an instrument to tackle microplastics pollution?”
- Last chance to register for the second part of “EPR as an instrument to tackle microplastics pollution?”
- Minutes of the Planning meeting 2021 now online
- Register now! EPR as an instrument to tackle microplastics pollution?
- Lunch debate 2.0 on EPR and textile
- Planning meeting for 2020
- The EPR Club with an updated website!
- Conseil général de l’environnement et du développement durable – Avenir de la filière REP de gestion de déchets de textiles, linge de maison et chaussures (TLC)
- Jacques Verniers – Les filières REP: Responsabilité élargie des producteurs en matière de prévention et de gestion des déchets générés par leurs produits.
- EPR in the EU Plastics Strategy and the Circular Economy: a focus on plastic packaging and EPR modulation.
- ADEME L’Écho des filières
- Updated OECD guidance on EPR
- Study on the role of management bodies in the waste market
- Annual Monitoring Report 2014 for the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials
- EPR Club Raw Materials Commitment (RMC) background document
- AMORCE – Rapport d’activité 2012-2013
- Etude sur la rentabilité de l’eco-conception – Pôle éco-conception
- France Nature Environnement propose la création d’un éco-organisme dédié à la prévention
- Rapport d’étape de la mission d’information sur la gestion des déchets dans le cadre des filières REP
- REP: nomination d’une mission parlementaire
- Déchets: les professionnels demandent une instance de régulation