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Successful conference on the link between EPR and sustainable consumption and production.

Last 16 November, the EPR Club gathered high-level experts to discuss the link between EPR and sustainable consumption and production.

The event, co-organised by ACR+, the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and the EBCD, analysed not only potential wider impacts of EPR on producers (eco-design including eco modulation of fees, repair&reuse, new business models (leasing, etc), communication campaigns) and consumers (access to information and price signals) but also how EPR schemes can support local initiatives on reducing waste and promoting sustainable consumption (public awareness, boost repair activities).

The dynamic discussion proved the importance of addressing the issue. While an issue paper will be published as a follow-up by the EPR Club and the ECESP, presentations made by the different speakers are available online.

You can also watch again the recording of the event.

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